Welcome back, me.
We moved and settled into our new place. The building dates to the 1880's so we love it. The new job at an urban college has been quite good so far, and we live on a fun corner in an active neighborhood. This is the closest we've ever been to a great independent coffee shop/bakery. We're also very close to my parents and in-laws, and Marci's sister's family. Marci and Peanut are doing great. The Peanut is now 22 months old and jabbering like crazy, in addition to his growing collection of single words.
likes to jump while saying "jump!"
says "down" when he wants down
said "mama more" yesterday wanting a refill of whatever he was drinking
dances to Rusted Root
stares at and closely compares his rubber tub/shower toys (little cars, boats, scooters, and other vehicles)
goes "mmmmmmmmmmm--maaa!" when blowing kisses
gives a big corny smile to you seconds after awakening in the morning
eats pad thai, toasted cheese, rice, grapes and blueberries by the fistful, peanuts, yogurt, soy mochas, panang curry, salad (!), pizza, cheese and crackers, steals coffee, pancakes, lox and bagels every week (w/capers, red onion and all, liked/now doesn't like eggs, peanut butter and jelly (all mostly organic, of course!), lots of fresh fruit of every type.
laughs when you squeeze the "tickle buttons" near his shoulders (his trapezius), and has, according to his pediatrician "a million" teeth."
With a brand new professorship at a new place (and giving up tenure--at least for now--in the process), I can't say I'll write soon. But I may . . .
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