My Dad
My dad found out today that he likely has colon cancer. This was his first colonoscopy, and the doctor said that although the final assessment can only be made after the pathology report this Tuesday, he's pretty certain.
What's also certain is the dad will need abdominal surgery (as opposed to colorectal surgery). Even at this early diagnosis, the doctor said it looks like there is a 90-95% likelyhood that everything will ultimately be just fine.
Since I just found out, this all just seems like bits of information to me. I haven't really gotten my head around the fact yet. Mom and Dad had planned to come up this weekend, see our new house, and maybe help out with some painting. The test this morning was just to give dad some peace of mind. It will take all of us some time to let this new reality sink in.
The PostModerndad loves the big guy, and is sure that all will be well. I'm quite confident that this is just his version of the mid-60s-age scare a lot of people get, and that all of this will be behind us as quickly as possible.
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