The PostModernDad

Trusting the fragments since 2006.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Catching up, again

Our move is more or less complete; at least all the big items are in place. Marci's brother was a big help. Furniture mover, future babysitter, cat feeder--he really doesn't know what he's gotten himself into with us moving into town.

Marci's on campus all day today and tomorrow, which gives me some time to knock around and check out the new town. The place definitely has a Major Urban Center influence, with a few live music places that have something going on most days of the week. With 35 thousand students here, there seems to be plenty of entertainment.

We've transitioned from Dr. W. to Dr. P., who we haven't met yet, but there seems to be general good opinion about him. Marci had what was probably her last visit with Dr. W. this week to take an unpleasant blood sugar test. The test took three hours, required a 12 hour fast prior, and involved chugging 150 grams of crap-tasting sugar water. She became lightheaded to the point that the doc had to do a pop in to the lab to check on her. Her first value was a bit high, but she was well within normal by the third hour. As I mentioned before, Marci hasn't much complained about any aspect of pregnancy, so this must have been pretty crummy. The test is to check for gestational diabetes (a transient form of the condition which usually goes away post-pregnancy). We would have the official read from the doc until Friday, but the indication now is that she's "borderline." Marci's not overweight, which I always thought was the biggest factor. Apparently, the placenta's activity creates insulin resistance in varying degrees among the pregnant. I'll know more later.


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